Thursday, April 28, 2011


1. Taking shots into the sun to give sufficient light to add features to your subject but there are also times when making your subject featureless apart from their outline against a bright background.

2. Choose something with a strong and recognizable shape that will be interesting enough in its two dimensional form to hold the interest of those viewing your image.

3.You want a little light on the front of your subject as possible, so the flash has to go (basic – but I’ve seen a few attempted silhouette shots with the flash firing).

4. Light shining from the background than the foreground of your shot

5. Having the perfect light, very bright

6. The profile would probably be the framing.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Emotions & Mood 2

1. Emotion in a photograph, or any work of art, is what helps a viewer connect with a piece if that emotion is prevalent in the viewer.

2. Happiness and joy, sorrow and despair, these are some of the easier emotions as they are universally felt, at one time or another, by all on this planet.

your mood will possibly influence theirs and if you are trying to capture them as naturally as can be (without being a sniper hiding in the shadows), keep your demeanor as neutral as can be.

Your mood has a big part in what and how you shoot, but also realize that being a shooter in a situation often means you travel in a bubble.

5. What Mood Am I In Now ? What Mood Should I Make This Photo ?

Emotions & Mood

1. For the writer t’s all about the feeling of being there, of taking the viewer to the location of the photo to feel like I did when the shot was taken.

2. One element is a thick fog can add so much to a shot that when people look at the image, they know exactly what the experience was like when the photo was taken.

3. Storm clouds add effect because the effect is enhanced if the storm is on the opposite horizon from the sun. the effect is enhanced if the storm is on the opposite horizon from the sun.

4. Running water can have the feeling of power as waves crash on rocks or a waterfall sends cascades of spray onto the rocks below.

5. Because the viewers feel as though they were there and can feel what it was like to take the shot.

April 5 ,2011

1. What Do You See?
- It Looks Like something Struck An Area .. Maybe The Woman's Home Town

2. What Colors, Shapes , & lines ?
- Red, White, brown , Blue , Green . I See Shapes From The Broken Pieces Of wood.

3. 5 Words
- Destroyed

4.Meaning Of the Image?
- The Meaning Of This Image Is , Losing Something That Was Really close To You . In This Case It Was Her Home town